Our implications
National Child Day
On November 20th 1989, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which followed the Declaration on the Rights of the Child ratified on November 20th 1959. National Child Day has been celebrated in Canada since 1993 and aims to celebrate children as actors in their own lives and in their communities and as active citizens who can and should contribute meaningfully to making decisions.
Each year, in order to mark this day and promote the importance of respecting children’s rights, ESPACE organizes or co-organizes special activities as part of National Child Day (NCD).
The blue ribbon
Wearing the blue ribbon is an action put forward by the ROEQ, encouraging people to show their support for the importance of protecting children’s rights and reminding people that children must be considered in all political, social and economic decisions. The color blue was chosen because it is linked to peace and freedom.
“Children’s rights must be taken into account in all political, social and economic decisions.”
The Autonomous Community Action (ACA)
- RQ-ACA and its Engagez-vous pour le communautaire campaign.
- The TRPOCB and its CA$$$H campaign.

Our accomplishements
An online game to prevent violence against children
FUTURAVILLE: Together against violence! is a fun and educational game that addresses child assault prevention notion in a safe and fun way! Intended for kids 9 to 12 years old, this game is available online, as well as on Google Play and Apple store.

#ÉcoutonsNosEnfants Campaign (In french only)
This campaign was developed in response to the quarantine related to the COVID-19 pandemic to raise awareness and equip adults to be attentive to the children in their lives and to receive the disclosures of a child who has experienced violence.